Area Service Committee

Area Service Committee (ASC)

1:00 PM First Sunday of the Month

New GSR's

12:30 PM Before ASC Meeting

1050 State Street, Redding, CA 96001

Area Service Committee (ASC)

The area committee is the primary means by which the services of a local NA community are administered. The area committee is composed of group service representatives, administrative officers (chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer), subcommittee chairpersons, and the area's regional committee members. The area committee elects its own officers, subcommittee chairpersons, and RCMs.

Group Service Representative (GSR) / Alternate

Group service representatives link their groups to the rest of Narcotics Anonymous. Most groups also elect an alternate GSR who can fill in for the group representative when needed. GSRs serve a dual role. As our fellowship’s Second Concept for Service indicates, GSRs take part on their groups’ behalf in the area committee and the regional assembly, conveying a sense of their groups’ wishes to the service structure and bringing back information on what’s happening in the larger world of NA.